Saturday 5 December 2009


Welcome to my new blog.
I'll be using it as a space to share ideas, images, links and updates relating to my Nine Trades of Dundee project.

To provide a bit of background detail:
I'm an artist and seamstress by trade. For me they are portable skills and I have traveled (fairly) far and wide with my artist kit bag to earn, learn, produce work, pick up skills and trade a few in return. Currently living in Bristol, I'm really looking forward to my monthly trips to Dundee (on the Caledonian Sleeper).

For the Nine Trades project I'm keen to learn about the textile trade and meet a variety of trades people working in Dundee. During my initial research trip in October '09 I visited several great tailors, costume and textile shops and outfitters. In the new year I'm hoping to set up creative links with a number of these shops, studios and businesses.

I've been working as an artist for about 10 years and use a wide range of media including performance, sculpture, video, photography, print and conversation. I've been making clothes on and off for about 20 years and textile elements often work their way into my projects one way or another. I've developed projects for a variety of spaces - from galleries to community centres, museums to market squares and I like to create social events where people can take part in the creative process. For me the involvement of others is a vital part of the work.

So what is the work? As a collector of stories, objects and curiosities I create installations, limited edition objects, bookworks and live events. Collecting and curiosity are key words for me. I'm interested in social collaborations and social histories and am fascinated by public and private collections/archives. My work investigates the process of capturing personal and collective narratives and testing how these materials can be distilled into art works for public presentation.
For some recent projects examples visit:

So Dundee awaits! I'm really excited to respond to the people and places I meet. Taking on the role as a roving artist and tailor traveling through the City collecting stories, style tips and trades secrets upon my way....


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